We Provide Solutions For You

Commercial Standard System!

Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing

— Gen 2

Femtosecond laser direct writing of fiber Bragg gratings (FBG), optical waveguides, TPP printing, multiphoton polymerization additive……

Only $150,000!

Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing

— Gen 3

Basic Configuration:Three core components: Femtosecond Laser, Positioning System, Processing Software……

Only $200,000!

Product Showcase


Optical waveguides, fiber Bragg gratings (FBG), super-diffraction 3D printing, and hybrid ……

Supports complex vector graphics (DXF) and standard 2D import, editing, filling, and array processing…….

Supports three-axis linked spatial curve machining; software includes a spiral line planning ……

Integrated Platform Design, Precision Positioning, and High-Performance Support:All-Solid……

Three core components: Femtosecond Laser, Positioning System, Processing ……

By combining a regenerative femtosecond laser amplifier with Digital Micromirror ……

Time-resolved spectroscopy: Using femtosecond laser pulses to probe fast chemical reactions……

This is an advanced system that uses femtosecond laser direct writing technology to ……

Scientific research and industrial



Silicate Glass TGV Through-Hole, 30μm Hole Diameter, 300μm Depth, 100μm Pitch

Hole Diameter: 30μm, offering fine resolution for high-density interconnections.

Hole Depth: 300μm, ensuring the via can connect multiple layers in a compact device.

Pitch: 100μm, the spacing between each via, enabling high-density patterns for microelectronic or photonic devices.

Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)

Wavelength Range: 1540-1545-1559nm (Pi fiber)

Side Mode Suppression Ratio (SMSR): > 10 dB

3dB Bandwidth: < 0.6 nm

Reflection Rate: > 90%

Waveguide Direct Writing


The company has developed systematic solutions tailored to client needs, including biochip, microfluidic chip, and wafer perforation solutions. Drawing from a strong foundation in processing and testing, Optics-Hub continuously refines high-quality processes to deliver professional and high-quality services to corporate clients.